Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Internet Archive: Godsmack's MPOGD Review of TEQ

From:  http://web.archive.org/web/20010305150047/http://www.mpogd.com/reviews/TEQ_rs1.asp :

Review by: Godsmack

Reviewers Rating:      5 Stars
TEQ is a totally FREE online strategy war game. This is a must play for those out there who love strategy games. TEQ is turn based.. 1 turn every 15-25 minutes depending on which server you play in. There are two servers... on is the Indy Server also known as the "Fight Server" The concept is very simple.. u create an account.. user name.. password ect.. then pick a country name :) Now your ready to fight.. fight server is a free for all.. each player fights for the top. There is NO TEAM PLAY in this server. Each turn comes every 15 minutes.. your goal is to pick a strat and make it to the top.

Then there is the Team server.. this where u join a team of up 10 players and cooperate and try to make it to the top... scores are based on Networth unlike in fight where they are based on points (attacking) So your goal is to build your military up, attack for land.. build on that land, buy military, sell stuff on the Public Market and discover technologies.. ext.. This is an awsome game.. it also has a public message board with TONS of friendly players willing to teach you how to play. If your looking to prove yourself as a great player and love to discuss stuff with other players then this is the game for you. Its very simple to learn and play.. you wont regret it so check it out!!! www.playteq.com

Internet Archive: SaMi's MPOGD Review of TEQ

From:  http://web.archive.org/web/20010305145829/http://www.mpogd.com/reviews/TEQ_rs.asp :

Review by:

Reviewers Rating:     4 Stars
TEQ is a turn-based strategy game, and is the best in its class. I began playing 6 Months, This games is very fun to play and can be easily though, like i trin about 3-4 Newbies a Week and they all turn out good, it hasn't received the attention it desives and the TEQ Admin and Players agree..... It would be 100Times better only if we had more players! So please just give it a try for a few resets of so!

The game resets ever month because the top players can get to enourmus NetWorths and this way it gives newer players a chance:)

Link i said....Playing is a Sinch. There are many ways to learn the tricks of the trade, and it's impossible to develop a perfect strategy, but i know guys who have comevery close to getting one.

To learn, you can either Surf the message boards, Visit the famous XGN were you can find strategy and tips, chat with our players community, or you can join Teaching TEQ for Newbies(TNT), they can show ya how its done, and receive more one-to-one training via ICQ, MSN, AIM.

Player since January of 2000

Internet Archive: List of TEQ MPOGD Reader Reviews

From:  http://web.archive.org/web/20010224045006/http://www.mpogd.com/reviews/TEQ_review.asp :

Official Review: 
No official review available. 

Reader Reviews: 
Read this Review - [June 26, 2000]
"This is a must play for those out there who love strategy games. TEQ is turn based.. 1 turn every 15-25 minutes depending on which server you play in. There are two servers..."

Read this Review - [June 12, 2000]
"TEQ is a turn-based strategy game, and is the best in its class. I began playing 6 Months, This games is very fun to play and can be easily though, like i trin about 3-4 Newbies a Week and they all turn out good, it hasn't received the attention it desives and the TEQ Admin and Players agree....." 

If you would like to submit a review of this game, or any other game we have listed, please do so using our Submit Review Form. If you have trouble with that form, you can always email Chris Krueger your review, and it should be posted if found to be adequate.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

TDZK to Take One Year Break


April 30, 2007
TDZK to Take One Year Break

Announcement from the TDZK admins on the forums

So long and thanks for all the fish!

Hello everyone. Most of you have noticed that the last few weeks have seen fewer and fewer updates to TDZK, and that the administration team hasn't been around nearly as much as we used to be. I'd like to briefly outline a bit of TDZK's history, where we're at now, and where we're going.

TDZK's been around for over five years now. Aelanna had the original idea for the game, and I came on board three weeks later after seeing the initial prototype. We had a lot of fun creating the first version of TDZK, and after a few months Squee joined up as well. It was a fun hobby, to make a game people enjoyed playing.

TDZK 1.0 went well, but as the player base grew, we reached the limits of the game engine. We were all beginning programmers back then, and the design just didn't hold up well once we passed a certain point.

We then created the TDZK 2.x series, also known as the Genesis engine. While still using PHP for the front end technology, we rewrote almost all of the game, adding new features as we went, and making it far more stable and robust. It worked fairly well, but again we started running into issues with the design of the game that couldn't really be solved with the current technologies. Double-kills and all sorts of other timing errors really aren't possible to prevent using PHP. We also hoped to take the game to the next level, adding in even more features and redefining the TDZK experience.

We started planning for the Nomad engine, what the game currently uses. Nomad was supposed to be far greater than anything we'd previously done, with smart NPCs, engaging quests, real-time updates to sector status, and a host of other things. Some of these features are partially there. NPCs are in, and somewhat smart, and there's a lot of cool new features that the 2.x series never had. Over the last five years we've had real-world programming experience and and worlds better than we were at the start, and TDZK's engine is now very state of the art, or will be once we finish getting the remaining bugs out of it.

However, the 3.x series has had a lot of problems of it's own. From it's delayed start (and the hastily thrown together 2.8 round) until now, it's been plagued by all manner of bugs, imbalances, and a lot of other problems. A lot of this was poor planning on the part of the admins, but what's done is done, and we're trying to make the best of where we are now.

This brings us to the present. Activity in the game is low, and so is enthusiasm. We're not retaining new players very well, partially due to lingering problems, and partially due to the low morale of the community. In short, things are not good. We've tried patching it in-place, but some things are hard to correct mid-round, and our time is limited.

The situation for the admins has changed since we started. Five years ago when we started TDZK, it was a hobby. We were in high school at the time, and had greatly fewer responsibilities. Now we're out in the real world, studying at universities and holding down jobs that pay the bills. We have never made any profit on the game, and the only reason it's even survived this long has been from the generous donations and ad buys from the players. Five years ago, the time investment without any profit didn't matter much; it was a hobby. Now it does. We're at the point where we really can't justify putting in much time on TDZK when we consider all the other demands on us.

Additionally, morale among the admin team has been sinking as well. Aelanna has stayed away from the majority of the playerbase for months, due to the constant abuse. Squee has lost a lot of interest, and most of you know he hasn't been around much at all for the last few months either. Recently, I've been losing motivation too. It seems that no matter what we do, no one is satisfied, something is always breaking, and the stress of keeping this game together in it's current state simply isn't worth it anymore. This should not be interpreted as an attack on any individual player...it's simply how I feel. There have been a few people who've been supportive, and those I thank for their efforts and not giving up. I particularly thank the testers and volunteer staff that's helped us over the years, as well as many other individuals. But by and large...it's time for a break.

In consideration of all of the above...

At the end of the current round (May 19th), TDZK will close down. We'll be recalling the servers from the current hosting provider as well, so when it turns off, that means everything, at least for a while. We might bring the forums back after we get the machines and can reconfigure them.

We do still think that TDZK has some potential. We've invested a lot of time into this, and don't mean for this to be the final end. However, given the current state of things, we feel that this is a better route than trying to muddle along as we have been. It will give us a much-needed break, and this way, when we reopen it will be with a fully finished, polished game.

Our plans are to reopen sometime first quarter 2008. That will shift as needed...while we hope to have everything complete by then, "It will be done when it's done" as they say over in Duke Nukem land.

When TDZK does reopen, it will have missions, all the factions, and a much improved AI from the current one. The interface is getting a much needed overhaul that will greatly boost it's usability, and some real-time elements will be included as well. In short, it will hopefully be everything we were dreaming of when we originally planned for Nomad.

Enjoy the rest of the round. We'll probably fix a few more bugs as we go, but don't expect much in the way of major changes. We thank everyone for the support you've given us, and hope to see a few of you back when we reopen.

Shadowbane Offering Free Accounts


March 16, 2006
Shadowbane Offering Free Accounts

Shadowbane is now available to play completely free of charge. All you have to do is create an Ubisoft account and download the client which is available on FilePlanet here (PC) or here (Mac). The Shadowbane website states that more details will be released soon and emphasizes "This is not a Free-Trial subscription and it will not run out in 15-days".

Monday, September 30, 2013

Earth: 2025 New Rounds


June 30, 2004
Earth: 2025 New Rounds

Four separate servers of Earth: 2025 restart on Thursday -Primary, Tournament, Limited, and Free For All. Each offers a unique playing environment of one of the world's largest and longest running free webgame - online since 1996. Players can join for free at http://games.swirve.com/earth. Earth: 2025 is brought to you by the same people that created Utopia.

Galaxies Ablaze Round 13


June 18, 2004
Galaxies Ablaze Round 13

GALAXIES ABLAZE, the original game launched by Online Worlds, begins its thirteenth round of open play on June 21st! Round 13 features NEW PERSONALITIES and NEW OPTIONS, as well as better Shields and other protections! This massively multiplayer online strategy and war game was launched just over a year ago and is already massively successful!

GALAXIES ABLAZE is a futuristic game of stealing resources from other players. It features a structured alliance system, a strong sense of community, and requires a unique blend of individual strategy with teamwork for success.

GALAXIES ABLAZE combines building your Planet, training military, researching advanced features including a large variety of missiles and military troop types, and making attacks on other planets to advance your position and that of your System and Alliance. A large variety of Planet Types, Ruler Personalities, and Military make for excellent strategy options!

GALAXIES ABLAZE is free to play and requires no download. It is a text game played through any web browser and runs 24/7, so players can log in and take their actions whenever they wish. Premium accounts (US $5) are available for those who prefer not to see advertising, but are not necessary for successful enjoyment of the game. A thorough Game Help Manual makes getting started very easy.

Sign up at -- www.galaxiesablaze.com  -- and DOMINATE THE GALAXY!